Use of steaming and steam generators in textile processing
If you work in the textile industry you already know that steam and steam generators are used in almost all textile processes in one way or another.
For example, steam is used for:
- Drying of textile materials
- For ironing finished textiles before packing
- For ironing material inserts in the underpressing ironing process
Steam is also used to give textile fibers certain properties.
- Dimensional stability
- Shrinkage resistance
- Corrugation resistance
- Luminosity
- Dye absorption capacity
- Paint affinity
- Improving knitting and weaving performance, etc.
Steam shows the vaporized state of water, it contains heat energy that we can transfer in a variety of processes. Boilers are the usual equipment for steam production, they are also called steam generators.
Steam generators are an indispensable part of the textile industry. Much of the manufacturing process requires the use of steam or hot water produced by industrial boilers, whether you are talking about textile engineering, the production of bulk fabrics, the manufacture of clothing or other textile processes.
How do you choose the right steam generator?
- Calculate the capacity of the generator. Its capacity should be based on the load curve, heating curve or heat balance diagram and include heat loss in the pipes, self-employed heat of the generator chamber and available waste heat. Although it is usually difficult to obtain the loading and heating curve, the heating load could be obtained based on the maximum hourly heat consumption in production and then determined using the coefficient.
- Determine the heat supply medium. Usually the textile industry uses the steam generator for production. If the demand for hot water is high, both the steam generator and the hot water boiler must be used.
- Calculate the heating parameters of the generator, including pressure, temperature, etc.
- Determine the efficiency of the generator. In order to benefit from an economical management, the generators should have a high thermal efficiency, and the power, quantity and other performances of the generator must adapt to the change of the thermal load.
Getting benefits from installing efficient and reliable steam equipment is crucial. Ensuring product quality through a controlled supply of steam, which is flexible to changing operating conditions should be essential for all textile processes.
We know that choosing the right steam generator and the ideal amounts of steam for various textile processes can be complicated and tiring, so our team of specialists is ready to offer customized solutions according to your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us.