Humidification system Condair-Systems Turbofog. Description:
Condair TurboFog High Pressure Atomization System is a direct, complex system that offers the highest standard of comfort and economy. The system uses distilled water. (0 microSiemens / cm; 0 German degrees). The water is atomized by means of patented nozzles with very fine holes. With the help of the high pressure system (HighPur), the humidification is extremely quiet and a dripp free functioning is guaranteed.
This very powerful system was especially created for industrial applications where high humidification capacities are required, and the technological process requires strictly controlled and sterile humidification.
The Condair Turbofog humidification system is recommended for applications such as automotive, clean rooms, electronic production, aerospace.
Condair is today a leading leader in direct humidification due to its innovative technology and a very simple maintenance of the systems. The modular design and the possibility to combine a multitude of variants together with the complete service option guarantees the highest standard of hygiene, efficiency and technique.
Condair-Systems location scheme for two enclosures:
Included in the above scheme are two HumSpot, two HumPower, one HumCenter, one HighPur container and the distribution systems.
Description of components:
- HumSpot controls the relative humidity and directs the atomization systems.
- The required relative humidity is set directly from the device.
- The inside humidity is measured with the help of very accurate sensors.
- The humidity value is point out on the display and then compared with the target conditions. If this value is less than the target condition, a signal is sent to HighPur. Once the operating pressure (85 bar) is reached, a signal is sent to HumSpot, which starts the distribution systems with the help of HumPower. When the target condition is reached, HumSpot shuts down the distribution systems.
- HumSpot is also provided with the AFWS function – periodical water refresh cycles for cases where the system stagnates for a longer period of time, thus the system is always hygienic.
- IP30 protected.
- HumPower is the interface between HumSpot and distribution systems. They are supplied as required by the customer.
- Humcenter is the central control unit for the entire humidification system.
- This control unit monitors and transmits all data regarding humidification zones and distribution units.
- HumCenter comes with an SD card. On this card information can be saved (such as relative humidity in the room, temperature for different areas, errors that have occurred over time) and then read and analyzed in a PC.
- The unit can also be connected to a BMS (Building management system) interface.
- The HighPur system generates a vibrant pulsating flow. The pump is powered by an electric motor and generates operating pressure of approximately 85 bar (1,232 psi).
- The feed water path is directed to a bioreactor. It sterilizes the water with high intensity by UVC irradiation, which ensures hygiene and flawless operation.
- Like HumSpot, HighPur is equipped with AFWS – periodical refresh cycles for cases where the system stagnates for a longer period of time, thus the system is always hygienic.
Condair-Systems PerPur:
PerPur container filters most of the minerals from the water and produces almost pure (distilled) water. Impurities and bacteria are finally filtered and deposits are removed.
- No mineral deposits on water lines or nozzles.
- Minimizes mineral distribution trough humidification.
- Constant performance of the whole assembly.
- Operator-free maintenance.
- 100% hygienic – due to automatic flushing.
- Optional: bypass for machines in the technological process using distilled water.
Condair-Systems SynPur:
SynPur conductivity synthesis is specially designed to meet the most demanding requirements for humidification with pure water (0 microSiemens / cm, 0 German degrees). Specially created for applications such as: clean rooms, the electronics industry, automotive, museums or office buildings.
- For extremely sensitive applications.
- Mineral-free humidification.
- 100% efficient.
Pur modular containers:
Due to the particular needs of each technological process, Condair-Systems created the pur modular system.
The Condair Turbofog humidification system can be purchased as a complete system (composed of the humidification system, the distribution system and the treatment plant).
the ‘Full Service’ rental system for all Pur systems, with the help of which the performance and reliability of the systems is maintained throughout their whole life.
This patented service includes:
Cleaning and disinfection:
Each system is completely disassembled. All its components are checked, cleaned and disinfected in detail. The consumables are replaced.
Special tests
Pur containers are passed through a series of special tests to ensure they work exactly to the performance profile affiliated with the beneficiary.
Distribution system – checks:
As part of the entire “Full Service” contract, every two years, Condair technicians completely change the atomizers, and all system functions are closely monitored. The system warranty will be extended by another two years.
Exchange of Pur containers
Every 6 months, Condair-Systems will send a new container to the beneficiary. The old container will be sent back for maintenance. The cost of transportation will be borne by Condair-Systems.
Express delivery
After the maintainance of the old container is carried out and when all the tests have been admitted, it will be packed and delivered to the beneficiary. In the event of an unforeseen event, the beneficiary is guaranteed the exchange within 24 hours.
Microbiological analysis
In the laboratory, water samples are tested against mold or harmful bacteria. These tests are then added to the maintenance book. Each test can be viewed by the beneficiary.
Competitive advantages:
- The distribution systems comes in different configurations, depending on the needs of the enclosure to be humidified.
- Compact, with multiple configuration options.
- The distribution of humidity in the air is quickly homogenized with the help of the built-in high performance fan.
- The systems design is compact, discreet and attractive.
Condair TurboFog Neo Scheme:

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