Automatic cutting machine Bullmer Turbocut. Description:
Bullmer products are recognized worldwide for their best quality, performance, reliability and durability, whether you create high quality clothing or create home textile the benefits of an automatic cutting machine are undoubtedly essential for many businesses. One of Bullmer’s top products is the Turbocut automatic cutter, designed to meet the highest and most sophisticated productivity standards.
Bullmer Turbocut is the fastest automatic cutting machine on the market, it is suitable for the apparel and upholstery industry as well as for small production series with high demands. Due to the lightweight construction (aluminum skeleton) and the high frequency blade that oscillates vertically, accelerations of 1.3 G can be achieved, thus reducing working times and maximizing production.
This cutter is provided with a Windows operating system, operating guide system with probability control, error diagnosis display, automatic start point optimization for individual parts and many other generic features. Turbocut pays special attention to the cutting performance and the flow of materials, thus guaranteeing precise and delicate cuts, so it can be used for materials such as home textiles, woven and non-woven fabrics, etc.
Generic features of Bullmer Turbocut automatic cutting machine:
- Filter for vacuum turbine;
- Integrated sound absorber for exhaust;
- Integrated cleaning of the bristles;
- X- and Y-axis driven by linear-modules;
- Standard working widths: 1600/1800/2000/2200 mm;
- Application for remote-service;
- Integrated high performance vacuum turbine, 15 kW;
- Sharpening device with self adjusting diamond disc;
- Automatic knife-frequency-dependent oil dosage.
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