Jumag Pre-assembled Container. Description:
Jumag products are characterized by passion, innovation, high quality standards and understanding of customer needs, which is why the equipment, size and color of containers or modular units are entirely determined by your preferences.
Avoid assembly mistakes and choose a pre-assembled container from Jumag, it can be installed outside buildings or used for mobile applications and is compatible with all types of Jumag steam boilers that can be installed and delivered ready for connection.
The Jumag pre-assembled container is energy efficient, allows the complete pre-installation of all necessary mechanical and electrical components and is provided with a galvanized steel floor and thermally insulated walls that provide protection against electric frost.
Containerized installations can be optionally equipped with a water softening station, water meter, water filter and a non-return valve that allows one-way water circulation, also containerized installations do not require monitoring, and the container does not occupy much space due to the optimized configuration and small dimensions.
The following components can be linked with a steam container unit:
- Several steam generators;
- Water treatment module;
- Feed water vessel;
- Feed water pre-heating;
- Blow-down vessel;
- Sample cooler;
- Steam drier;
- Pressure reduction station;
- Oil and water tank;
- Further accessories.
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